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Alicia Madison

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© 2020 Wikimusic Records / a Division of Smashing Records 
One would never expect that the outwardly charismaticsongstress Alicia Madison, was once a shy and private childnever able to sing in front of an audience. Now, Aliciaexudes all the confidence her home state of New Jersey isknown for, singing to anyone who will listen. Alicia, never oneto boast about her powerful pipes, always remains modestabout her extraordinary skill until she takes to the mic -hertalent speaks for itself.“I’m young but I know what I want out of life. I want to makemusic and perform. I want to be able to accomplisheverything I have planned and I like to challenge myself,”Madison says.Alicia interned at Warner Brothers Records where sheworked closely with Tommy Page, Vice President of A&R.Tommy eventually got word that Alicia was a singer andasked if she would sing for him. Alicia willingly and nervouslysang in Page’s office, to her surprise, Page was extremelyimpressed by her. A week later, Page set Alicia up withacclaimed manager Gary Salzman of Big Management.After training her voice and learning the in-and-outs of themusic industry, Alicia broke her newest single “Sick In T heOctave” with UK Producer / DJ Dehasse. Receiving praisefrom fans/ artists alike, there is no stopping her. After doingshows on the east coast and building her name, Alicia nowhas 4 upcoming releases with labels such as Mixmash (LaidBack Luke), MODA, Central Station, and Musical Freedom(Tiesto).

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